在瞬息萬變的職場環境中,HR 不能只跟隨趨勢,而要引領變革。這就是為什麼我們推出 《每週人力資源新聞速覽》: 一份 專為 HR 領導者打造的策略性資訊,助你迅速掌握 最新政策、人才管理趨勢、及影響企業決策的重要數據。
掌握最新人力資源趨勢、職場變化及員工福利資訊!立即訂閱,每週直接發送最新 HR 內容至你的電子郵箱!
Employee Benefit Insight and Latest News
在瞬息萬變的職場環境中,HR 不能只跟隨趨勢,而要引領變革。這就是為什麼我們推出 《每週人力資源新聞速覽》: 一份 專為 HR 領導者打造的策略性資訊,助你迅速掌握 最新政策、人才管理趨勢、及影響企業決策的重要數據。
掌握最新人力資源趨勢、職場變化及員工福利資訊!立即訂閱,每週直接發送最新 HR 內容至你的電子郵箱!
Scaling a Tech Company? Your Benefits Need to Scale Too High-growth tech startups move fast—hiring in waves, expanding across markets, and constantly evolving. But as companies scale, one of the most overlooked yet critical factors is whether their employee benefits keep up. A rigid, one-size-fits-all benefits package may have worked for a team of 10, […]
Discover how SMEs in Hong Kong can attract and retain top talent with cost-effective employee benefits such as medical insurance, paid time off, and wellness programs.
在瞬息萬變的職場環境中,HR 不能只跟隨趨勢,而要引領變革。這就是為什麼我們推出 《每週人力資源新聞速覽》: 一份 專為 HR 領導者打造的策略性資訊,助你迅速掌握 最新政策、人才管理趨勢、及影響企業決策的重要數據。
In today’s fast-paced workplace, genuine praise and recognition are more than just feel-good gestures—they’re powerful tools for enhancing productivity and engagement. Yet, in Hong Kong, nearly 60% of respondents in a recent Sing Tao survey reported by The Standard admitted they rarely praise others. Although 96% agreed that praise strengthens interpersonal connections, only about 40% […]
喺而家呢個快節奏嘅工作環境入面,真誠嘅讚賞同認可是唔單止一啲令人心情愉快嘅小動作——佢哋其實係大大提升生產力同員工投入感嘅有力工具。然而,根據《星島日報》嘅一項調查(由The Standard報導),香港有近60%嘅受訪者承認佢哋好少讚賞他人。雖然有96%嘅人認為讚賞可以加強人際關係,但只有大約40%嘅人經常主動讚賞同事,而有33%嘅人因為擔心佢哋嘅讚賞會被視為虛假或另有所圖而止步。
In today’s competitive job market, employee benefits are more than just perks—they’re a critical factor in attracting and retaining top talent. However, offering benefits alone isn’t enough. Employers must ensure these programs are tailored to employee needs, cost-effective, and aligned with business objectives. Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing this process. Tools like DeepSeek, and other […]
Gen Z and Employee Benefits: What Perks Attract Young Talent Today? As Generation Z continues to enter the workforce, understanding their unique preferences and expectations is crucial for employers seeking to attract and retain top talent. Gen Z, currently aged 12 to 30 and born between 1995 and 2012, values benefits that prioritize flexibility, well-being, […]
Worried about choosing the right insurance? You’re not alone! Many people overpay or end up underinsured without even knowing it.